
DFG Capital Ltd

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DFG Capital Ltd
Since 2002 - Cyprus, EU, Russia, CIS.The company has been operating in Cyprus since 2002, since 2007 - in the European Union.Since 2009, the company has been operating in Russia and CIS countries.The company is engaged in construction, real estate, investments, engineering, project financing, public-private partnership.Among the implemented objects of the company - residential buildings, commercial real estate and social and business development, infrastructure projects, projects of public-private partnership.The personal staff of the company in mid-2014 had more than 500 highly qualified graduates without regard to urgent and temporary involvement in solving production issues of the company's engineering, construction and industrial workers.The company's turnover in 2013 amounted to more than 640 million dollars under the total contracts of the company in all regions of commercial and contractual presence.The company's head office is located in Limassol, Republic of Cyprus.The company has its representative offices and branches in Greece, Serbia, Russia, Belarus, CIS.

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