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Was online more than two weeks ago


Female, 33 years, born on 4 January 1992

Not looking for a job

Moscow, willing to relocate (Great Britain, Cyprus, Malta, UAE, USA, Turkey), prepared for business trips

International Sales Manager

2 000 $ in hand

  • Sales manager, account manager

Employment: full time

Work schedule: full day, remote working

Work experience 14 years 3 months

October 2020currently
4 years 6 months
Moscow Tourism and hospitality development

Moscow, www.mos.ru/tourism/

Chief Specialist of the Hotel Service Department
Development, planning, organization and control of the PR campaigns implementation, events and projects, writing texts, letters, press releases, producing filming and off-line events, working with information partners. Interaction with Moscow hotels on the issues of the Safe Travels program. Full management of this direction. Compilation of texts / live abstracts with an invoice (without common words) based on ready-made materials, production skills, independent collection of materials, if necessary, coordination and clarification of materials. Orientation in the agenda (tourism, travel, specifics of the Moscow Government work, the event calendar of Moscow), negotiations with representatives of the hotel industry at any level, independent solution of tasks, immediate formulation of solutions to problems and work with graphic editors (photos and videos).
June 2017currently
7 years 10 months
VDNH, Exhibition of Achievements of National Economy


Media, Marketing, Advertising, PR, Design, Production... Show more

Manager of international Sales and Special projects
Preparation and organization of exhibitions, congresses and conferences, formation of the concept and program of the event collectively with the responsible participants of the project. Sale of exhibition space and services of the exhibition pavilion. The involvement of participants in conferences, working with databases. Working with participants of exhibition events, sending documents, tracking payments, collecting statistics on the results of the event. Interaction with structural divisions of the enterprise, monitoring the work of responsible members of the project team and contractors during the preparation and holding of the event. Preparation of presentation materials: PowerPoint presentations, official letters. Document management, control of the process of preparation and implementation of event registration, including the writing of technical specifications, the formation of a commercial proposal for projects and timely reporting. Project work: Forum-exhibition "Moscow Healthy lifestyle" 2017-2018, Moscow international forum "City for Education" 2017-2019, "Russian Elevator Week" 2017, 2019, "Flowers&City" 2017-2019, "AgroFarm" 2018-2019, as well as the organization of Russian expositions on foreign projects "Izmir International Fair" 2017 and " ARAB HEALTH» 2018.
April 2016April 2017
1 year 1 month
D&A Jeans

Turkey, dastanbul.com/

Retail... Show more

Export manager
Searching customers. Participation in business negotiations with main clients, making deals. Saling of the company's products in neighboring countries. Working with existing client base and its immediate complement. Working with Arabic, Russian and European markets. Business trips within the country. Advertising promotion of a product. Work with social networks. Participation in trade fairs. Working with all types of documentation.
March 2015April 2016
1 year 2 months
Hurok marble

Turkey, hurok.com/

FMCG (non-edible)... Show more

Export manager
Searching English and Russian speaking customers. Participation in negotiations and making deals. Saling of the company's products in other countries. Working with the clients from the search moment until the conclusion of the transaction. Organization some type of work in Russia, Ukraine, Byelorussia and other Russian-speaking countries. Working with European market, especially with Poland, Czech Republic, Latvia, Lithuania. Working with some arabic countries: Tunisia, United Arab Emirates. And a little work experience with several USA companies. Helping in their improvement. Business trips and exhibitions in different cities and countries. Participation and organization of exhibitions. Work with all kind of documentation and bills.
December 2013January 2015
1 year 2 months

Media, Marketing, Advertising, PR, Design, Production... Show more

Content Manager of Internet projects (remotely)
Monitoring the progress of the launch of a number of projects, the use of the necessary corrective steps in order to start these projects in accordance with the deadlines and budget. Analysis of the initial requirements, the cooperation with the customers in order to determine the content and timing of work. Planning, scheduling based on the available resources and the required deadlines of the project. Daily work with information - monitoring, quick search and selection of high-quality materials on a particular subject, editing; work with graphic materials, selection of illustrations and graphical processing, realization and presentation of the projects to the customers.
August 2012October 2013
1 year 3 months
E-shop "Wildberries»


Retail... Show more

Development and maintenance of the main concept of the site, recommending on the site modification offering new services to visitors. Tracking text content, constant updating of information. Control of the general procedure in the information field of the site, ethical and other rules adopted in online communities for the convenience of all users. Work on the editing and proofreading of materials and their structuring, including the design of the texts, tables etc. Monitoring the work of competitive companies, which have similar themes, concept and content.
March 2013June 2013
4 months
E-shop of toys "San Toys"

Retail... Show more

Assistant of brand manager
Advertising activity: the development of advertising course, promotions, tenders, work on the system of discount cards, maintaining the site in the proper form, its updating and correction with the help of 1C program. Promotion of products: preparation of promotional and informational materials, consulting clients on the properties of products. Study and analysis of the Russian and foreign markets of the similar products, monitoring direct competitors. Development of marketing strategies. Design development and online advertising of company’s gift cards.
October 2011November 2012
1 year 2 months
«Almacor BTL»


Media, Marketing, Advertising, PR, Design, Production... Show more

Assistant of the HR Manager
Recruitment of merchandisers and promoters. Preparation and publishing vacancies with the help of different sources in order to find candidates; their constant updating. Search and selection of suitable candidates. Outgoing calls to potential candidates for vacancies, the organization of the primary interview. Providing candidates with the questionnaires, organizing primary interviews and interviews. Registration of applications of candidates. Writing reports.
June 2010December 2010
7 months
The publishing house of the journal "Медиа Профи" (Media Profi)


Media, Marketing, Advertising, PR, Design, Production... Show more

Editorial Assistant
Working with the Excel program, database maintenance, work with documents.
September 2009January 2010
5 months
Russian State Social University. Manager of the study department


Educational Institutions... Show more

Leading expert on working with students
Working with the Excel program, database maintenance, assistance and consulting students, issuing various documents and certificates, making-up timetables and schedules.


Skill proficiency levels
Участие в профессиональных выставках
Маркетинговые исследования
Организация промо акций
реклама в прессе
Маркетинговые коммуникации
Поиск и привлечение клиентов
Редактирование текстов
Графические редакторы
Продажи через интернет
Управление интернет-проектами
Пользователь ПК
Adobe Photoshop
B2B Marketing
Marketing Communication
Sales Management
Sales Skills
Trade Marketing
Английский язык
Business English

Driving experience

Driver's license category B

About me

Professional skills: The ability to work with different people, the desire to become an expert in developing advertising campaigns, participation in advertising research, experience in the design of places of sales, work with promotion projects basic knowledge of advertising techniques, little experience as a copywriter. Database maintenance, office work experience, work with students, staff recruitment. Work on the editing and proofreading of materials, design of the texts, tables etc. Advanced PC user (Internet, Microsoft Office, Coral Draw, and Photoshop CS7). Personal characteristics: I am a friendly, communicative, active, and hard-working person with a creative approach to work. I am an eager and fast learner. I can easily work in a team solving different problems together with my colleagues.

Higher education

Russian State Social University
Faculty of Humanities, Subject: marketing and advertising


EnglishB2 — Upper Intermediate

GermanA1 — Basic

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Russia

Permission to work: Russia, Turkey, UAE

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter