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Мужчина, 43 года, родился 18 декабря 1981

Кипр, готов к переезду, готов к командировкам


  • Менеджер по продажам, менеджер по работе с клиентами

Занятость: полная занятость, проектная работа

График работы: полный день, гибкий график, удаленная работа

Опыт работы 16 лет 7 месяцев

Январь 2013по настоящее время
12 лет 3 месяца


Услуги для бизнеса... Показать еще

Director of the Law Firm
Promoted through personal network of contacts and delivered the Cyprus Immigration Services related to Permanent Residency and Citizenship Schemes, by attracting 3rd country nationals for investing in Cyprus. Attracted and provided services to clients related to the application and registration procedures of CIF’s under the Cysec regulations and requirements. Effectively dealt with corporate law and had as a main client Korpus Prava Corporate Services Limited to which full legal support was provided. In communication with the tax and legal department of Korpus Prava Moscow had to imply different marketing strategies by suggesting both tax and legal advantages of different jurisdictions to existing and potential new clients. Prepared the application and successfully obtained the Fiduciary License issued by Cysec on behalf of Korpus Prava, similarly applied for license issued by the MFSA (Malta Financial Services Authority) for further establishing office in Malta.
Февраль 2011Август 2013
2 года 7 месяцев

Кипр, cy.korpusprava.com

Финансовый сектор... Показать еще

Corporate Counsel/Member of the Sales Team
Directed and in charge of all legal issues concerning clients of the Company. Supervised and controlled the corporate team, worked under direction to complete everyday work related to client’s requests and queries. -Successfully drafted and reviewed legal documents related to loan, pledge, share purchase & sale, and escrow agreements. Efficiently drafted and modified according to each case M&A’s, POA’s and Legal Opinions. -Liaised and cooperated with external lawyers and auditors to ensure the compliance with local rules and regulations. -Suggested and successfully applied solutions for the Company and its clients. -Promoted and sold the Company’s services in order to attract new clients.
Сентябрь 2008Февраль 2011
2 года 6 месяцев

Кипр, www.tridenttrust.com

Финансовый сектор... Показать еще

Corporate Counsel
Served as a Head of a corporate team comprised of three administrators, worked under direction in order to complete everyday work related to client’s requests and queries. -Successfully drafted and reviewed legal documents related to loan, pledge, share purchase & sale, and escrow agreements. Efficiently drafted and modified according to each case M&A’s, POA’s and Legal Opinions. -Liaised and cooperated with external lawyers and auditors to ensure the compliance with local rules and regulations. -Suggested and successfully applied solutions for the Company and its clients. -Promoted and sold the Company’s services in order to attract new clients.


Уровни владения навыками
Driving Licence B
Customer Service
MS Outlook
Consultant Plus
Time management
Работа в команде
Ведение переговоров
Управление проектами
Английский язык
Деловая переписка
Управление персоналом
Организаторские навыки

Обо мне

Hobbies: sports and traveling

Высшее образование (Бакалавр)

University of Kent
Law, Corporate Law

Знание языков


АнглийскийC2 — В совершенстве

Гражданство, время в пути до работы

Гражданство: Кипр

Разрешение на работу: Австрия, Великобритания, Кипр, Люксембург, Мальта, Монако, ОАЭ, Швейцария

Желательное время в пути до работы: Не имеет значения