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ЗарегистрироватьсяWas online more than a week ago
Male, 33 years, born on 2 January 1992
Considers offers
Cyprus, not willing to relocate, prepared for business trips
Business development manager/Marketing Manager
5 000 € in hand
- Product manager
- Marketing and advertising department manager
- Project manager
Employment: full time, part time, project work
Work schedule: full day, flexible schedule, remote working
Work experience 16 years 6 months
December 2022 — currently
2 years 4 months
Public Services... Show more
Business Development Manager
Development of 2 main products within the Azerbaijan region. Maintaining smooth processes among different departments to reach the annual plan.
Under control directions:
1. Marketing and Strategy
Creating and supporting marketing strategy execution within the region.
2. SMM
Supporting main SMM channels and vision, finding new ways to approach targeted customers.
3. Telemarketing
Creating training materials for operators and new segment groups.
4. Promotion and activities
Market research of the main competitors, creating and supporting local promotion activities.
5. Increasing lifecycle for customer activities
Ensuring that service works according to perfect technical conditions.
6. Non-standard promotions and creative ideas
Organizing offline and online activities "outside of the box"
7. Content and communication
Ensure that content is well written and meets standards.
8. CRM and retention
Constant control of CRM and retention activities within GEO, supporting with research and new ideas.
Achievements during my work time.
- Managed to increase conversion of Telemarking from 23% to 60% on average.
- Managed 4 big promotion campaigns targeted to the retention of high-segment customers.
- Organized tests of new CRM channels, one of which brought revenue of 4 mln. USD, during 6 month period.
- Organized 2 media integrations with local celebrities, which positively impacted on brand awareness.
May 2019 — September 2024
5 years 5 months
Baku, hh.ru
IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more
Менеджер по развитию бизнеса
Продвижение hh на территории Азербайджана:
Административные работы:
- Контроль работы филиала на территории Азербайджана
- Работа с бухгалтерией и юристами
Работы с клиентской базой:
- Холодные звонки
- Встречи с потенциальными клиентами
- UpSale услуг
Технические работы:
- Техническая поддержка клиентов
August 2017 — January 2021
3 years 6 months
Media, Marketing, Advertising, PR, Design, Production... Show more
Руководитель отдела маркетинга
Started my own business, in providing companies and start up with marketing support:
Collezione Italy (Luxury Company) - 1 month:
- Updating the marketing strategy for the company
- Optimizing budget and current marketing activities
- Optimizing CRM base
- Optimizing advertisement channels such as ATL/BTL/Digital Marketing
- Optimizing workflow with other departments such as Sales/HR
- Creating seasonal marketing activities
Agrico (Agriculture company) - 1.5 month:
- Creating sales and marketing strategy for product portfolio ( approximate 24 products )
- Optimizing budget for marketing
- Creating CRM base
- Creating a presentation about each product in the portfolio for customers
- Meeting with potential customer overall Azerbaijan
- Optimizing product pricing
- Optimizing after-sales process
Pomegranate (Game Development) - currently working on this project:
- Creating the business strategy for the first game ( Mobile application)
- Creating the marketing strategy for a game
- Optimizing personnel in the company ( Art/IT department)
- Optimizing mechanics of the game relied on market needs
- Creating advertisement channels such as Social Networks, WebSite
- Creating content for each advertisement channel
- Creating sales and after sales mechanisms for customer
Ministry of Youth and Sport ( the Government organization)/Red Bull - currently working on this project:
- Managing event organizations, mainly for cybersport
- Creating marketing and promotion plan for related events
- Communicating with community and sponsors
- Creating decoration/interactive plan for Area/Stage
- Creating advertisement plan for related events
- Optimizing budget for events
- Creating after event statistics
Fresh Point project:
- Creating Fresh food brand in Azerbaijan market
- Opening Fresh Point cafe
- Developing and managing marketing activity for this project
- CRM and SMM
- Creating pricing and discount policy
- Staff management
Infinity Games (Turkey):
- Prepared Azerbaijan country report. Creating community and media plan
September 2018 — June 2019
10 months
European Azerbaijan School
Educational Institutions... Show more
Marketing Manager
Managing the Marketing Department:
- Created a marketing strategy/plan.
- Created communication process across different departments.
- Created and implemented a Digital Marketing Strategy.
- Establishing a CRM system.
- Promo production and POSM.
- Event management.
- Creating and managing student/parent/teacher community.
- Developing B2B and B2G directions.
November 2016 — May 2017
7 months
Endorphin Baki
Business Developing Manager
Managing Advertisement agency:
- Creating strategy for agency sales and marketing.
- Managing personal: SMM and Designers.
- Market analysis for specified countries: Azerbaijan, Russia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Turkey.
- Customer market analysis in different market directions.
- Developing Adv. companies for customers.
- Interview and finding new employers.
- Creating presentations and proposals for new/current customers.
- Planing tender and activity lists.
- Creating training and improvement programs.
- Trends monitoring.
- Accounting.
- Business Development.
May 2015 — May 2016
1 year 1 month
Azercosmos OJSCo
Marketing and Sales Manager
- Azersky sales and marketing strategy for the preparation(quarterly, semi-annual, annual) for 11 countries in region: Azerbaijan, Iran, Georgia, Middle East, Baltic countries and Moldova;
- Market analysis, determine the strategy for low-orbit satellite services
- Presentation for customers and product training
- Creating and developing pricing policy, licensing, user guide, terms and conditions and other parts of sales system.
- Developing commercial products for Azersky;
- Managing CRM base;
- After-sales service to the customer,organization meetings, offering main and additional products;
- Measuring products competitive potential on the market ;
- Conducting market research and analysis of current market conditions;
- New projects development, applications ;
- Measures to increase the level of customer satisfaction;
- Increasing volume customer base;
- Participate in forums and other related events( International marketing trainings in Toulouse: France, Exhibitons in Iran,Georgia, Baltic countries) ;
January 2014 — May 2015
1 year 5 months
Food Products... Show more
Brand Manager
My work experience and responsibilities:
- Development of main brands in pasta sector: Doymak, Lafarella, Tanelli.
- Development of main brand in flour sector: Doymak
- Creating business common bussiness strategy for brands in pasta and flour sectors
- Creating marketing strategy on short and long term period
- Creating sales strategy on short and long term period
- Constant analysis of internal and external market
- Stimulating sales using different mechanism such as: ATL, BTL, Digital Marketing, promo production
- Internal training for sales and merchandising team
- Organization presentations for internal sales and merchandising team
- Developing partnership connections with network retail sales points
- Developing partnership connections with external partners in different countries such as: Russia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and ect.
September 2013 — December 2013
4 months
Public Activity, Political Parties, Volunteering, Non-Profit Organizations... Show more
Creative Manager
Developing 2 start up projects for Barama.
- Azgamer.net (Cyber and technologies project)
- Mybug.az(Social Network)
- Creative managment.
- Finding soft and social solutions.
- Finding sponsors for this projects.
- 2 start up stands has been shown on Bakutel 2013 exhibition.
- AzGamer.net under construction( sponsor local mobile operator)
- Mybug.az has been sold to belarus company.
January 2012 — August 2013
1 year 8 months
Crocus Group (Agalarov Estate)
Retail... Show more
Category Manager
Trade Managment for Hyper Markets " Твой Дом" in departament : Sport Trainers.
- Developing monthly plans for products in each category.
- Stock control.
- 3 sales managers under control.
- Cooperative planing trade activities with providers. ( Fisher, Team Sport , Euro Sport)
- Controling promo and trade activities.
- Finding solutions for problematic clients.
- Controling merchandising for each category of products.
March 2008 — December 2011
3 years 10 months
Esdem Accessories
FMCG (non-edible)... Show more
Marketing Manager
Brand Managment Bebegim Accessories.
- Developing new accessories brand for kids.
- Develop and control trade and brand activities.
- Making contrancts with sub distributors.
- Control Budget from HQ office.
- Export for CIS region.
- BTL expirience ( Indoor and outdoor all over Azerbaijan)
- Trade Marketing ( Develop and control activities for clients example: Discount system, shelf bonuses, moveable stands, gift system for loyal clients)
- Portfolio analysis ( ABC, BCG )
Skill proficiency levels
Driving experience
Own car
Driver's license category B, CAbout me
Амбициозный, молодой специалист, готовый "горы свернуть" ради достижения результата.
Любознательный и стараюсь узнать все обо всем.
Увлекаюсь музыкой, спортом, компьютерной сферой в том числе снимаю видео для youtube так сказать, для души.
Люблю путешествовать и знакомится с людьми по всему миру.
Для настроение могу приготовить, что нибудь изысканное.
Higher education
Управления финансами на придприятии, Экономика и управление на предприятии (по отраслям)
Citizenship, travel time to work
Citizenship: Azerbaijan
Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter